На фото Вернон Ли

Вернон Ли

английская писательница, переводчица, автор многочисленных эссе об искусстве


  • Ariadne in Mantua: a Romance in Five Acts (1903)
  • Miss Brown (1884) роман
  • Baldwin: Being Dialogues on Views and Aspirations (1886)
  • Studies of the Eighteenth Century in Italy (1880)
  • The Sentimental Traveller . Notes on Places (1908)
  • The Prince of the Hundred Soups: A Puppet Show in Narrative (1883)
  • Penelope Brandling: A Tale of the Welsh Coast in the Eighteenth Century (1903)
  • Satan the Waster: A Philosophic War Trilogy (1920)
  • Renaissance Fancies And Studies Being A Sequel To Euphorion (1895)
  • Vanitas: Polite Stories (1892)
  • The Countess of Albany (1884)
  • Althea: Dialogues on Aspirations & Duties (1894)
  • The Ballet of the Nations. A Present-Day Morality (1915)
  • Gospels of Anarchy & Other Contemporary Studies (1908)
  • Snake Lady and Other Stories (1954)
  • Ravenna and Her Ghosts (1907)
  • Music and its Lovers (1932)
  • The Handling of Words and Other Studies in Literary Psychology (1906)
  • The Legend of Madame Krasinska (1903)
  • Louis Norbert. A Twofold Romance (1914) роман
  • Vital Lies: Studies of Some Varieties of Recent Obscurantism (1912).
  • Art and Life (1896)
  • In Praise of Old Gardens (1912) с другими
  • The Child In The Vatican (1900)
  • Genius Loci (1899) путевые заметки
  • Laurus Nobili: Chapters on Art and Life (1909)
  • Hortus Vitae: Essays on the Gardening of life (1904)
  • The Spirit of Rome (1906)
  • Juvenilia, Being a second series of essays on sundry aesthetical questions (1887)
  • Sister Benvenuta and the Christ Child, an eighteenth-century legend (1906)
  • The Golden Keys (1925) эссе
  • A Phantom Lover: A Fantastic Story (1886) (Новелла, также мзвестна как Oke of Okehurst, Alice Oke)
  • The Poet’s Eye (Hogarth Press, 1926)
  • Euphorion: Being Studies of the Antique and the Mediaeval in the Renaissance (1884)
  • The Beautiful. An Introduction to Psychological Aesthetics (1913)
  • Pope Jacynth — And Other Fantastic Tales (1904)
  • The Enchanted Woods (1905) эссе
  • Limbo and Other Essays (1897)
  • The Virgin of the Seven Daggers — And Other Chilling Tales of Mystery and Imagination (1962)
  • Proteus or The Future Of Intelligence (1925)
  • Supernatural Tales (1955)
  • For Maurice. Five Unlikely Stories (1927)
  • Belcaro, Being Essays on Sundry Aesthetical Questions (1883)
  • The Tower of the Mirrors and Other Essays on the Spirit of Places (1914)
  • In Umbria: A Study of Artistic Personality (1901)
  • Ottilie: An Eighteenth Century Idyl (1883)
  • Chapelmaster Kreisler A Study of Musical Romanticists (1901)
  • Hauntings. Fantastic Stories (1890)