
Луис Хисперт

американский скульптор и фотограф


  • Miami-Dade Community College, Майами, Флорида.
  • Школа Института Искусств Чикаго, Чикаго, Иллинойс, B.F.A., 1996.
  • Йельский Университет, New Haven, Коннектикут, M.F.A., 2001.


Его стиль отражает происхождение — Хисперт вырос в Майами во время кокаиновых войн и создания хип-хопа. Луис Хисперт создает произведения, используя широкий спектр медиа, включая фотографию, кино, звуковую скульптуру, делая акцент на культуру хип-хопа, молодежную культуру и свои латиноамериканские корни. Некоторые из его скульптур включают объекты, имеющие отношение к хип-хопу. Его инсталляция украсила в 2002 Биеннале Уитни в Музее Уитни. Работы художника включают фильмы, такие как Stereomongrel. Его фотография Se?oritas Suicidio (2005) — современная интерпретация картины Пикассо «Авиньонские девицы». На ней изображены пять девушек в позах очень похожих на позы моделей Пикассо. Его проект 2008 г. «El Mundo es Tuyo (The World is Yours)» показанный в Mary Boone и Zach Feuer галереях в Нью-Йорке состоял из фильма, содержащего отсылки к фильму Брайана де Пальмы «Лицо со шрамом», с автобиографической историей о молодом парне, живущем в Майами.

Избранные персональные выставки

  • 2008 El Mundo Es Tuyo (The World is Yours), Zach Feuer Gallery and Mary Boone Gallery, NY
  • 2008 Smother, Museum of Contemporary Art, North Miami, Florida.
  • 2005 Luis Gispert & Jeff Reed: Stereomongrel, Whitney Museum of American Art, NY
  • 2005 Luis Gispert & Jeff Reed: Stereomongrel, Zach Feuer Gallery(LFL), NY
  • 2005 Luis Gispert & Jeff Reed: Stereomongrel, Santa Barbara Contemporary Arts Forum, Santa Barbara, California
  • 2005 Luis Gispert & Jeff Reed, Fredric Snitzer Gallery, Miami, Florida
  • 2004 Luis Gispert, Art Pace, San Antonio, Texas
  • 2004 Luis Gispert: Loud Image, University Art Gallery, University of California, San Diego, California
  • 2004 Luis Gispert: Loud Image, Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire
  • 2003 Cheerleaders 2000—2002, Miami Dade Community College, Miami, Florida
  • 2003 Urban Myths Part I, UC Berkeley Art Museum, University of California, Berkeley, California
  • 2003 Urban Myths Part I, Miami Art Central, Miami, Florida
  • 2003 Urban Myths Part II, Whitney Museum of American Art at Altria, NY

Избранные групповые выставки

  • 2007 Not for Sale, P.S.1/MoMA Contemporary Art Center, Long Island City, New York
  • 2007 Situation Comedy: Humor in Recent Art, Salina Art Center, Salina, Kansas
  • 2007 Situation Comedy: Humor in Recent Art, Museum of Art Fort Lauderdale, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
  • 2006 USA Today, Royal Academy of Arts, London, England
  • 2006 Making Do, Yale University School of Art, New Haven, Connecticut
  • 2004 Contested Fields, Des Moines Art Center, Des Moines, Iowa
  • 2004 Semiprecious, Public Art Fund, MetroTech Center, Brooklyn, New York
  • 2004 Fade In, Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, Texas
  • 2004 Open House: Working in Brooklyn, Brooklyn Museum of Art, Brooklyn, New York
  • 2003 Mass Appeal: The Art Object and Hip Hop Culture, Montreal Arts Interculturels, Montreal, Canada
  • 2003 Mass Appeal: The Art Object and Hip Hop Culture, The Khyber Center for the Arts, Halifax, Canada
  • 2003 Women Beware Women, Deitch Projects, NY
  • 2003 NextNext Visual Art, Brooklyn Academy of Music, Brooklyn, New York
  • 2003 Black Belt, The Studio Museum in Harlem, NY
  • 2003 Influence, Anxiety, and Gratitude, MIT List Visual Arts Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • 2002 Interplay, Moore Building, Miami, Florida
  • 2002 Mass Appeal: The Art Object and Hip Hop Culture, Gallery 101/ Galerie 101, Ottawa, Canada
  • 2002 Monitor 2, Gagosian Gallery, NY
  • 2002 Bystander, Andrea Rosen Gallery, NY
  • 2002 10 Seconds 2 Love, Gallery M?llerdechiara, Berlin, Germany
  • 2002 Biennial Exhibition, Whitney Museum of American Art, NY
  • 2002 New Additions to the Altoids Curiously Strong Collection, New Museum of Contemporary Art, NY
  • 2002 Officina America, Galleria d’Arte Moderna Villa delle Rose, Museo Morandi, Bologna, Italy
  • 2001 One Planet Under One Groove: Hip Hop and Contemporary Art, Bronx Museum of the Arts, Bronx, New York
  • 2001 Border Stories: IX International Biennial of Photography, Palazzo Brocherasio, Turin, Italy
  • 2001 Optic Nerve III: Return of Optic Nerve, Museum of Contemporary Art, North Miami, Florida
  • 2001 MFA Exhibition, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
  • 2001 Bling Bling, Audiello Fine Art, NY
  • 2001 Pause, Marc Foxx Gallery, Los Angeles, California.
  • 2000 Making Art in Miami: Travels in Hyper Reality, Museum of Contemporary Art, North Miami, Florida
  • 2000 Publikulture, Museum of Art, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
  • 2000 Effects, Audiello Fine Art, NY
  • 2000 Mount Miami: American Artists in Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv Artists' Studios, Tel Aviv, Israel
  • 1999 The Present Absent: Eight Artists From Miami, Paco Imperial, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • 1999 Booty-Bass, Centre Gallery, Miami-Dade Community College, Miami, Florida
  • 1999 Hot Spots: Los Angeles, Houston, Miami, Weatherspoon Art Gallery, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina
  • 1999 Hot Spots: Los Angeles, Houston, Miami, Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  • 1997 Cultural Consortium Fellowship Exhibition, Miami Art Museum, Miami, Florida


  • Allsop, Laura and Jessika Green. «Consumed.» Art Review April 2008.
  • «Art Choices: Effects.» The Village Voice 23 May 2000.
  • «Artists’ Choice: Top 100 Galleries.» Flash Art January / February 2008.
  • Austin, Tom. «Luis Gispert returns to his Miami roots as a major art world player.» Miami Herald 14 October 2007.
  • Baker, R.C. «Best in Show.» Village Voice 29 January 2008.
  • Bentley, Kyle. «Luis Gispert.» ArtForum April 2008: 370—371.
  • Braunstein, Peter. «Brave New Whitney.» W Magazine March 2002: 198—200.
  • Dambrot, Shana Nys. «Luis Gispert and Jeffery Reed.» ArtKrush February 2006.
  • Danto C, Arthur, Lawrence Rinder, and Simona Vendrame. «New York, November 8, 2001: a conversation.» Tema Celeste January /February 2002.
  • Davis, Ben. «The Bling Game.» ArtNet Magazine January 2008.
  • Davis, Ben. «The Bling Game.» artnet.com February 2008.
  • Dupuis, Isabelle. «Luis Gispert.» Flash Art March / April 2008.
  • Falconer, Morgan. «Zach Feuer.» Art World April / May 2008: 126—129.
  • Finel Honigman, Ana. «Going for Baroque.» Style.com 11 January 2008.
  • Finel Honigman, Ana. «New York.» Art Papers Magazine May / June 2002.
  • Fortini, Amanda. «Critical Mass: The Art World Sharpens Its Claws in Anticipation of the Always Controversal Whitney Biennial.» Elle March 2002: 156.
  • Fujimori, Manami (translated by Andreas Stuhlmann). «Luis Gispert.» High Fashion April 2008: 73, 209.
  • Giovanotti, Micaela. «New York Soup.» Exibart.onpaper January 2008: 70.
  • «Goings On About Town: Galleries-Chelsea-Effects.» The New Yorker March 2000.
  • Hashimoto, Jacob. «Interview with Luis Gispert.» The Highlights August 2008.
  • Hohmann, Silke. "Luis Gispert."Monopol March 2008.
  • Hopper, Mark. «The Things We Do For Art.» I-D Magazine May 2002.Howe, Jeff. «Paint by Numbers.» Wired April 2005: 88.
  • Hrabi, Dale. «The Culture Beat: Entertainment A-Z.» Radar Magazine September / October 2005: 31.
  • Hunt, David. «Billboard: Luis Gispert.» Artext Spring 2002.
  • Johnson, Ken. «Luis Gispert: Urban Myths PT II (Return Of The Hypenaholics).» The New York Times 9 January 2004.
  • Kerr, Merrily. «An interview with Franklin Sirmans.» NY Arts Magazine January 2002.
  • Korotkin, Joyce. «Luis Gispert and Jeffrey Reed.» Tema Celeste March / April 2006.
  • Knight, Christopher. «Friskily is best revenge.» Los Angeles Times 3 August 2007.
  • Kunitz, Daniel. «Gallery Going: Dislocating Dreams.» The New York Sun 7 February 2008: 25.
  • Lebowitz, Cathy. «Cathy Lebowitz Interviews Josefina Ayerza.» Lacanian Ink Spring 2008:166- 177.
  • «Luis Gispert and Jeffrey Reed.» The New Yorker 14 November 2005.
  • «Luis Gispert: El Mundo Es Tuyo (The World Is Yours).» Tout Va Bien no. 4, 2007.
  • «Luis Gispert.» The New Yorker 3 March 2008.
  • MacMillan, Kyle. «Springs pushes envelope with art show.» Denver Post 11 November 2007.
  • Martin, Lydia. «Urban Myths Bring the Street Home», Miami Herald, December 6, 2003. «Medium Cool.» Time Out New York 10-16 January 2008: 73, 75.
  • Moreno, Gean. «Luis Gispert.» Flash Art December 2002.
  • Moreno, Gean. «On View: Miami.» New Art Examiner May 1999.
  • Murphy, Kevin. «An Impromptu Art Walk.» Charleston City Paper, 28 May 2008
  • Naldi, Fabiola. «Officina Americana: interview with Renato Barilli.» Collezioni edge Spring/Summer 2002.
  • Nickas, Bob. «Mild About Larry, Multiple Voice.» Artforum May 2002.
  • Ocana, Damarys. «Bright Lights, Big City.» The Miami Herald 25 November 2001.
  • Patton, Daniel. «Bling Bling.» NY Arts May 2000.
  • Plagens, Peter. «This Man Will Decide What Art Is.» Newsweek 4 March 2002.
  • Pool, Olivia. «Constructed Photography Exhibit.» The Post and Courier 8 May 2008
  • «Power 100: 70: Zach Feuer.» Artreview November 2006.
  • Robinson, Knox. «The Show: interview with Franklin Sirmans.» The Fader Winter 2001/2002.
  • Rosenberg, Karen. «Luis Gispert: El Mundo Es Tuyo (the world is yours).» The New York Times 25 January 2008.
  • Rosenfeld, Jeannie. «Hamptons Heat.» Art + Auction July 2007.
  • Schwendener, Martha. «Luis Gispert and Jeffery Reed: Critic’s Picks.» Artforum.com October 2005.
  • Schwendener, Martha. «Women Beware Women.» Time Out NY 4-11 December 2003.
  • Sharp, Rob. «Is that a Picasso in the Pool?» Guardian Observer 10 September 2006.
  • Sirmans, Franklin. «Pop Life Luis Gispert. Gold to Me.» One World February / March 2003.
  • Smith, Roberta. «In the Orbit of Funk and Hip-Hop.» The New York Times 18 January 2002.
  • Villasmil, Alejandra. «Luis Gispert and Jeffery Reed.» Arte Aldia January 2006: 77.
  • Vogel, Carol. «A Homegrown Biennial.» The New York Times 26 November 2001.
  • Von Schlegel, Mark. «Luis Gispert, Jonathan Horowitz, John Williams.» Artext May / June 2001.
  • Wolff, Rachel. «Luis Gispert.» New York 14 January 2008.
  • Zellen, Jody. «Luis Gispert and Jeffrey Reed.» Artpapers May 2006: 61-62.
  • Barnard, Suzanne and Mika Hannula. Between Two Deaths. Hatje Cantz: 2007.
  • Bring It On. Monique Meloche Gallery, 2006.
  • Carvajal Rina. «American Baroque: A Conversation with Luis Gispert.»10 Floridians, MAC, 2003.
  • Chang, Jeff. Total Chaos, the Art and Aesthetics of Hip Hop. Basic Civitas Books, 2006: 133—134, 144—145,147,139-142.
  • Clearwater, Bonnie. Making Art In Miami. Miami: MOCA December 2000.
  • Fade In: New Film and Video. Houston: Contemporary Arts Museum, 2004.
  • Hsu, Helen. Art in America Now. Shanghai: Museum of Contemporary Art, 2007: 48-49.
  • Kim, Christine. Black Belt. New York: The Studio Museum In Harlem, 2003: 44-45.
  • One Planet Under A Groove: Hip Hop and Contemporary Art. New York: Bronx Museum, 2001: 24, 29.
  • Stereomongrel. Santa Barbara Contemporary Arts Forum, 2005.
  • Tejada, Roberto J. Loud Image. Hood Museum of Art, 2004.
  • The Progressive Collection: Art Works. New York: D.A.P., 2007: 242.
  • The Youth of Today. Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, Verlag Der Buchhandlung Walter K?nig, 2006: 191.
  • Tomcic, Goran. «Miami Spice.» Hot Spots: Los Angeles, Houston, Miami. Greensboro: Weatherspoon Art Gallery, University of North Carolina, May 1999.
  • USA Today: New American Art from the Saatchi Gallery. Royal Academy of Arts: 142—149.
  • West, Paige. The Art of Buying Art. New York: HarperCollins, 2007: 49.
  • Whitney Biennial 2002: 2002 Biennial Exhibition. New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 2002: 90-91.