
Каспар Неер

австрийский немецкий сценограф
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Сценографические работы

  • 1929. Moritat, Moschopoulos, and Sganarelle by Rudolf Wagner-R?geny at the Grillo-Theater, Essen
  • 1924. The Life of Edward II of England at the Munich Kammerspiele; dir. Brecht
  • 1925. Circle of Chalk in a version by Klabund at the Deutsches Theater; dir. Max Reinhardt
  • 1931. The Threepenny Opera, costume design for the cinematic adaptation directed by Georg Wilhelm Pabst
  • 1929. Pioneers in Ingolstadt by Marieluise Flei?er at the Theater am Schiffbauerdamm in Berlin; dir. Brecht and Jacob Geis
  • 1927. The Little Mahagonny at the Deutsche Kammermusik Festival at Baden-Baden; dir. Brecht
  • 1928. The Threepenny Opera at the Theater am Schiffbauerdamm in Berlin
  • 1924. Jungle: Decline of a Family at the Deutsches Theater in Berlin; dir. Erich Engel
  • 1931. Man Equals Man at the Berlin Staatstheater; dir. Brecht
  • 1931. From the House of the Dead by Leo? Jan??ek at the Kroll Opera House in Berlin
  • 1928. Kalkutta, 4. Mai by Lion Feuchtwanger at the Berlin Staatstheater; dir. Erich Engel
  • 1926. Baal at the Deutsches Theater in Berlin
  • 1925. Coriolanus by William Shakespeare at the Lessing-Theater in Berlin; dir. Erich Engel
  • 1926. Man Equals Man at the Landestheater in Darmstadt; dir. Jacob Geis
  • 1926. Lysistrata by Aristophanes at the Deutsches Theater; dir. Erich Engel
  • 1929. Wozzeck by Alban Berg
  • 1932. Oliver Cromwells Sendung by Walter Gilbricht at the Volksb?hne; dir. Hilpert
  • 1932. Un ballo in maschera by Giuseppe Verdi at the Deutsche Oper Berlin; dir. Ebert
  • 1928. Man Equals Man at the Berlin Volksb?hne; dir. Erich Engel
  • 1932. Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny at the Salle Gaveau in Paris; dir. Hans Curjel
  • 1926. Earth Spirit and Pandora’s Box by Frank Wedekind at the Berlin Staatstheater; dir. Erich Engel
  • 1930. Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny at the Neues Theater in Leipzig; dir. Walter Brugmann
  • 1928. Carmen by Georges Bizet at the Kroll Opera House in Berlin
  • 1923. In the Jungle at the Residenztheater in Munich
  • 1923. The K?thchen of Heilbronn by Heinrich von Kleist at the Berlin Staatstheater; dir. J?rgen Fehling
  • 1932. Die B?rgschaft, libretto and design by Neher, music by Kurt Weill, at the Deutsche Oper Berlin; dir. Ebert
  • 1949. Mr Puntila and his Man Matti at the Berliner Ensemble in East Berlin.
  • 1927. Die Wupper by Else Lasker-Sch?ler at the Berllin Staatstheater; dir. Carl Ebert