
Иво Кирс

композитор и музыкант в жанре электронной музыки

Биография (на английском)

It all started with a small Casio VL tone..which i saw in a shop in the early eighties:(actually it really started at the age of four with a piano from my grandmother.) At home we had three of those instruments and i linked them together , programmed each seperately and play them at once. This created a sound that was greater and more vibrant than the sound of only one Casio VL Tone, ( which is an natural phenomenon, the sum of the total is more than the different instruments only.) Later i saw the Casio tone MT 70 and after saving enough money i could buy it, in that time i also gathered posters and info about other instruments, and posters from space. As a young boy i saw the series cosmos hosted by Carl Seagan, and i heard the striking musical tune at the intro.I never knew from who that music was, ore what it was called. . it was a dawning of an electronic age.Later i heard the same music on the background in a tv show about a sailing race, probably the whitebread race, ore something like that. I remember seeing the side and front of the sailship going up and down in the oceanwaves and hearing (Vangellis Heaven and Hell part 1 ( last section ) still not known to me at that time, but the music and the picture fit perfectly together created an indelible picture in my mind. I went looking for this music and ended up in a music shop, trying to explain what music i heard,.fortunately the owner had a pretty good idea and told me that it must be Vangellis Heaven and Hell part 1. So I listened to the record and thought by myself ....what the f... is this. Heavy electronic and classic work but i had patience and listened to the whole of Heaven and Hell part 1. and it was rewarded, almost at the end of the Lp i heard the music that was used as a background on the tv show. Later when i was in that shop i heard the music of Jean Michel Jarre, Equinoxe, which was strange to my ears at that time, and i listened it with graet pleasure, i found myself discovering a new world of sound, mostly not untherstood by my parents, friends and other people. Later i came to visit the lokal musicstore and i discovered a Korg Polysix wich was there for sale for 900 Guilders , a week later for 600 guilders, so i got my money together and made a loan from my parents and when i payed them back ( with a smal cleaning job on saturday) i could consider this instrument mine. While time moved faster than i thought i had quicly raised the money needed and i started to discover all kinds of sounds emerging from the Korg Polysix. My main interest was in music, sound and all that was around music.( so it is very strange that i dont have a regulair job in that field) Later when i studied at my hometown, i bought more electronic music and somewhere in the eighties there was a concert from Kitaro where i had also a small number of stange sounding music from. It was there that i saw a paper of a dutch electronic music club called K.L.E.M. and i decided to became a member. At that time i had some synts of my own and i started to make my own products. It was at the end of the eighties that i began a studie of Chinese medicine, and other alternative curing methods.This studie shaped my thoughts about the western society and the way we do things here in our materialistic world.But all the way through this study i made some musical tapes. The tape Astray was mastered with the help of Ron Boots in his studio at Eindhoven. There i learned that i needed more and better mixing equipment to make my work sound better. After joining a lokal group of KLEM, called Alpha Centauri and they stimulated me to do a concert. So after months preparation and organising a PA ( consisting of 2 stage monitors bought from a friend ) wich didnt work properly , ”Astray” was performed live at a kantine in Zaandam okt 25 1993. The concert was well recieved and noted in the lokal newspaper.At the concert i played also “Sanctus”in which i used a sample of gregorian chant and tried to duplicate that sound while turning some knobs on my Korg Poly-6 synt. After this concert someone told me that only Klaus Schulze was allowed to do that. ( mmm a narrow vieuw of mind i thougt by myself, obvious that person hadnt untherstood what i was doing.) While continuing with my study Chinese Medicine i recorded a next Cassette album “Secrets of Live” which came to the world in 1994. Also i made some drawings for a CD cover design, but this work would never see the light of the CD laser. The Music “Astray”and “Secrets Of Live”inspired Wojchiec Janicki an artist from Poland, to create some kind of card which was later designed as a frontcover for the KLEM Magazine.


  • Altiplano (1998) EP
  • Astray (1992/2003) - альбом под сольным проектом Electronic Universe
  • Mountains (1986) MC - альбом под сольным проектом Ocean Of Fantasy
  • Babylon (2004)
  • Phenomena (2004)
  • Mars X / Press (2006) EP
  • C.I.F. (Contrasts In Florance) (1999) - не изданный альбом
  • Exerpts # 1 (2003)
  • S.O.L. (Secret's Of Life) (1994) MC - альбом под сольным проектом Electronic Universe
  • Graviton (2002)
  • Mood Music (2006)
  • Exerpts 2 (2004)
  • M.I.N. (Meet Ivo Now) (1999)
  • Timeframe (2004)
  • Oxy 2002 (2003)
  • Journey To Cave Island (1997) MC
  • Atlantiz (2006)
  • Postcards (2002)
  • C.I.E. (Concerto In Epsilon) (1996)
  • Skyriding (1997) - совместно с музыкантом Ruud Heij - не изданный альбом
  • Realms Of Visibility (2003)