На фото Фридрих Хирт

Фридрих Хирт


Избранная библиография

  • Mr. Kingsmill and the Hiung-nu (Sonderabdruck aus JAOS 30,1 (1909) 32-45) (Leipzig: Harrassowitz 1910) (mit William Woodville Rockhill)Zhao Rukuo (???/???): His work on the Chinese and Arab trade in the 12th and 13th centuries, entitled Chu-fan-chi. (Erstver?ffentlichung in St. Petersburg 1911; Reprint Ch’eng-wen Publishing Taipeh 1967; reprinted 1977)
  • Scraps from a Collector’s Note-book, Being Notes on Some Chinese Painters of the Present Dynasty, with Appendices on Some Old Masters and Art Historians (1905)
  • Chinesische Ansichten ?ber Bronzetrommeln (MSOS I,7) (Leipzig: Harrassowitz 1904)
  • The Ancient History of China. To the End of the Chou Dynasty. (1923)
  • China and the Roman Orient: Researches into their Ancient and Medieval Relations as represented in old Chinese Records (1885)
  • Ueber fremde Einfl?sse in der chinesischen Kunst (1896)
  • Text-Book of Documentary Chinese (2 B?nde, 1885-88)
  • ?ber ein chinesisches Konversations-Lexikon (=Zs.f.B?cherfreunde.9)
  • Chinesische Studien, volume i (1890)
  • Syllabary of Chinese sounds (1907)
  • China im Zeichen des Fortschrittes (Sonderabdruck aus: Deutsche Monatsschrift f?r das gesamte Leben der Gegenwart, Jg. 1902, S. 511—535) (Berlin: Duncker 1902)
  • Native Sources for the History of Chinese Pictorial Art (1917)
  • The Story of Chang K’ien, China’s Pioneer in Western Asia: Text and Translation of Chapter 123 of Ssi-Ma Ts’ien’s Shi-Ki (1917)
  • The Ancient History of China (1908)
  • Die Lander des Islam nach Chinesischen Quellen (1895)
  • Ancient Porcelain: A Study in Chinese Medi?val Industry and Trade (1888)

Литература и ссылки

  • Библиография http://lib.tdc.ac.jp/cgi-bin/exec_cgi/natydet.cgi?CGILANG=japanese&U_CHARSET=euc-jp&ID=DA04112185&BRNUM=1
  • Ta T'ung Shu. The One World Philosophy of K'ang Yu-wei. Tr. by Lawrence J. Thompson. L., 1958.
  • Hirth Anniversary Volume. London: Probsthain, (Asia major: Introductory Volume)
  • Festschrift f?r Friedrich Hirth zu seinem 75. Geburtstag 16. April 1920. Berlin 1920
  • Eduard Erkes: Friedrich Hirth. In: Artibus Asiae. Vol. 2, No. 3 (1927), 218-221 (Nachruf)